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Storytelling Situations

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on November 18, 2008 at 11:37:47 am

The Impact of Process


The Individual Storyteller

More time to think deeply, to connect to the story

Story can meander aimlessly

Complete sense of ownership
No direct audience--no feedback

Individual Creativity

Lack of interaction--how does it lead to more than

momentary engagement?

Publishing to Community Almanac a natural

Lack of training can lead to frustration with technology (if used)

Do the stories get published?  Is there a moderator?

Privacy issues? 

Storyteller Plus Catcher Advantages

Power of one-on-one to elicit important details, to focus story
Need skilled storycatcher

Editing can produce a polished result
Need skilled editor

Intimacy: "My voice is heard and appreciated" can lead to efficacy
Ownership?  Whose story is it ultimately?

Engagement, at least for the moment
Where will it be published and how--Storyteller must feel connected

Numerous publication/sharing options


Individual in a Workshop Setting

All the advantages of Individual Storyteller plus community
Time-consuming & planning intensive! Some workshops take 1-3 days to do well.

The power of bonding & bridging through side-by-side experience with the process

Need a skilled trainer


Engagement is sustainable

Technology constraints--meeting space considerations

If coupled with Storycircles,  sharing done during process as well as after: Impact! Need skilled facilitator to ensure the group stays on track, people listen

Immediate "publication" increases engagement;

Storycircles by themselves can be spontaneous story-events

Feedback can help revision process-- to focus story

After stories are shared and discussed, values & information can be extracted by the tellers and listeners together, again weaving the strands of community

The power of being a listener as well as a teller:  builds empathy & engagement


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